Ever Need A Second Chance?
We certainly did.
Death and institutionalization. Life and fulfillment. All too often, the only thing standing between these two paths, is a second chance. Such was the case for us here at MyLove. As it stands, we received that second chance; courtesy of something bigger, something pure, something innately loving, something that barks.
The hope that radiates from a dogs eyes were, and continue to be, the exact glimmer of shining light we needed at that time to see beyond the dismal pit of addiction. How lucky we were to have such a beacon for a second chance, provided by animals that all too often, need a second chance themselves. The power of this reciprocal second chance was so great, we couldn't help but wonder: how can we help facilitate this for others; pups and peeps alike?
This is the question that helped spawn MyLove. We began to think about how we were unable to break free from the chains of addiction, and the shackles of despair that paired with it. Where could we contribute to others in similar states of desperation? While daunting and restrictive, our chains were merely metaphoric, and the idea came to donate to those that are, quite literally, in chains. Having personally and briefly experienced the inside of a correctional facility, it was quite clear that dogs could be a valuable asset to those inside. After some constructive conversations and thumb swipes through Instagram, it didn't take long before we found the perfect counterpart in the Pawsitive Change Program.
The mission of the Pawsitive Change Program is to pair incarcerated men with rescued dogs for mutual rehabilitation, a true "win-win." The dog is saved from death row and the prisoner gets the opportunity to find solace, comfort and love from their new four-legged friend. The Pawsitive Change program specifically pairs with 4 California state prisons and selects 26 inmates and 12 at-risk shelter dogs for each prison program cycle. In 14 weeks, the inmates are assigned challenging blocks of coursework which include homework and assessments. The goal is to aid in the rehabilitation of both pups and peeps. Both the peeps and pups are measured by a metric system of success during the 14 week cycle to ensure progress.
Such a simple idea, with the potential for such monumentally positive results, results we have experienced first-hand in our own experiences. This program precisely encompasses all of the values that MyLove was founded on. A few inmates are to be quoted:
"We live inside a place where we cant show our emotion--it's considered a weakness. But with this program, we can feel--give and receive affection. We become cold in here, much colder then we entered. But these dogs give us a chance to be human." - Inmate, Cycle 2
"I have laughed more in the last 3 months than I have in the last 13 years I've been incarcerated." - Inmate grad, cycle 1
After the cycles have been completed each and every dog has been adopted soon after. While the peeps incarcerated have been uplifted and given a new outlook. If you would like to know more visit
Please help us in efforts to rasie money for Pawsitive Change by purchasing one of the shirts or hoodies. Spread the love.
- MyLove team